Some Bar
(Scene: A and/or the bar...Any bar)
Beneficent Allah: Tom I do hope that you won't simply flitter away this evening as you are often wont to do.
Tom: I'm just feeling so...letharj, Beneficent Allah.
BA: Bother! What could it be?...aha! Stick out your tongue. if I know anything about anything, that tonguescruff means Worm. And Worm means Company, and Company means Food and Listening-to-me-Humming and such like.
Tom: Food. Yes, maybe some food will do the trick! What about a mouthful of something? And look here, I've got some de-liii-cious sangwiches for us! Apple or carrot with your sangwich, Beneficent Allah?
BA: Both! But...(so as not to seem greedy)...don't bother about the sangwich, please.
Tom: And for you, vorm?
Worm: I'll have just a sangwich, please. And if Beneficent Allah won't be having his...
BA: (bites into carrot) MMMMmmmmM! A tasty carrot, Directly Fresh! Freshly Direct! I...I haven't had a tasty carrot for so long...
Tom: And why's that?
BA: Well...I've alchemized my old sambar concoction into a New and Tasty Sambar Treat Consisting of:
2 leaves Kombu Kelp
2 cups'Eau
1 cup o' dash o' Flax (Homemade)
1 cup Chamomile
1 cup Tea/Tilo & Tilleul
1/4 cup Thyme
3 Hoafish Wasabees
Too Much Coriander, Cayenne and Curry
Not Enough Chickpeas
a Turnip or So
Pinch of Motherwort
Hint of Nutmeg, and...
The Day's Tea Leaves
all Bouilled together until I grow impatient. I can't get enough!
Tom: Sounds delicious, Beneficent Allah.
BA: Would you care to try it? Perhaps you could come over later tonight (and you too Worm!) and we'll make an evening of it, blaze on the rooftop...
Worm: Why Beneficent Allah! Offering me, an intestinal worm, a Poisonous Sambar!
(enter The ACTUAL God)
Tom: And how are you, Actual God?
Actual God: Not very how...I don't seem to have felt at all how for a long time.
BA: Dear, dear. I'm sorry about that. Now turn about, let's have a look at you.
(dainty pirouette)
BA: Charming...spitting image of your mother!
AG: And can we see the back of you, My Dear Old Allah?
(spritely spin)
AG: Why Beneficent Allah, what's happened to your hair?
BA: What has happened to it?
AG: It isn't there!
BA: Are you sure?
AG: Well, either hair is there or it isn't there You can't make a mistake about it. And yours isn't there!
BA: Then what is?
AG: Nothing.
BA: Let's have a look (circles to where his hair had been a little while ago) Sigh...I believe you're right.
AG: Of course I'm right.
BA: That accounts for a Good Deal. It explains Everything. No Wonder.
AG: You must have left it somewhere.
BA: Somebody must have taken it.
AG: How Like Them.